Jenny has always been an active and healthy individual with a real passion for cycling, before her transplant, she would cycle 100 miles a week. In May 2021, after suffering for a few days with what she thought was a cold, Jenny's symptoms started to deteriorate, and she was rushed to Kings College Hospital and put in an induced coma.
With hardly any living cells left in her liver, and her metabolic heart rate at just 20, her family were told she had hours to live. After just a few hours in the hospital, Jenny was moved to the top of the donor list and had a liver transplant that evening.
While still in hospital, Jenny experienced Post Traumatic Growth, suffering from terrorising hallucinations and an inability to walk - she had to discover who she was all over again, mentally and psychically, using her experience as a childhood psychotherapist to do so. Now one year on, Jenny is doing well and competed in the British and European Transplant Games for the first time this summer and came away with a Gold and a Silver in cycling at BTG.
She is also working with Kings College Hospital on research into healing the mind and body post-transplant, helping others to understand the trauma of coming so close to death.